I have to say that with 2 young children, Ian-2 and Ava-3 mos., I dearly love spending time with them.  With a busy work week, I’m usually gone before they get up each morning and home in time for dinner, baths and wind down before bed.  That’s what makes our time together on the weekends so special, my son Ian wants to help make coffee.

We get out the grinder and start heating the water, he scoops…some on the floor and some in the grinder, we grind and he dumps it in the French Press.  Later when the water is ready Dad pours in the water, Ian stirs and when it’s ready, we have 4-hands on the press plunger working it to the bottom for that perfect cup.  The coffee is great, the time with my family is unforgettable!  Of course I give into the begging and crying for his own cup of coffee as he has been an integral part of the process and should enjoy the fruits of his labor, Ian gets the watered down version of the regular coffee.  Lately Ian regularly asks to make coffee just before bed…I think I’ve created a coffee monster.

I know a lot of family’s have similar experiences with making breakfast or a special snack with their kids and that’s great, the real joy is in making that lasting memorable experience with your family and sharing in something you all can enjoy.